Monday, October 27, 2014

A Birthday Celebration

This week was a very special week. Busyness prevented me from posting on the day- but it was Hayden’s 6th birthday! It is rather unbelievable that six years ago God gave us an incredibly special delivery and Hayden came into the world, fast and furious.

He’s no longer a little boy. Not a single trace of those babyish features remains. He absolutely amazes me with his mind and imagination. I live him to pieces, this six year old of mine.
He loves animals and learning all about them, and wants to be a wildlife biologist when he grows up. He is also very into superheros. Very. Which led us to this Superhero birthday party.
We took loads of pictures, and here are some that capture the big day…

To kick of the party (and kill time before the pizza arrived) we had a silly string war.

Then we ate, had cake and opened presents.

Our superheroes were amazing and we're so glad they celebrated with us!

We had so much fun!
Happy (late) 6th birthday Hayden! We love you.

Friday, October 10, 2014

This Moment 10/10/2014

So I'm already being a bit of a slacker and not posting as much as I wanted too, but its been busy around here, what with a birthday party to plan and a house to sell (more on both of those next week.) I was posting "This Moment" on my Facebook page for a while, then didn't do ANYTHING for a while, and now have decided to move it over here, so here's to renewing a Friday ritual!

{this moment} ~ A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Inspired by Soulemama